Monday, March 1, 2010

Stay Tuned

Unfortunately, we could not come to classes today because of your testing schedules (Good luck on Wednesday!). That doesn't mean, however, that you can forget all about human rights this week. Explore UNICEF's Voices of Youth page and find out how kids all over the world are taking responsibility for the changes they hope to see. It will inspire you and hopefully reinforce some of the information we've shared with you in the past.

Last year, CPE students made podcasts to inform others about the threat of global warming. How could you use media and other resources to educate others about the MDGs? Think of who you want to educate about one of the goals, and imagine what you think they should know about the related issue. (Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section.)

We won't be able to see you again until after you're done taking the ITBS tests. We'll also be able to come during intersession, we will be at CPE during the break, and we certainly hope to see you.
Be sure to turn in your journal assignments by Friday to Ms. Searls (or email them to us at You can find online versions of the journal and notes handouts on the Lesson Materials page.

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