Sunday, March 7, 2010

Selena Gomez Cares, Do You?

Last year, Disney star Selena Gomez became the youngest ambassador for UNICEF -- the UN's foundation for children. She will raise awareness and educate others on the problems facing children of our world.

Selena will work with UNICEF to reduce the number of children who die from preventable diseases. 25,000 children under the age of five die every day for want of basic necessities like food and vaccines. Decreasing child mortality rates worldwide should remind you of the Millennium Development Goals we discussed in class. UNICEF is committed to achieving the MDGs to create a better world for children to thrive in.

Who are your role models? Why do they inspire you? How do they contribute to their communities?

Below, see a video Selena released shortly after the devastating earthquake in Haiti.

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