Now that we've wrapped up our discussions on the Millennium Development Goals, I thought we would remind you what exactly we stand to gain by accomplishing these goals. We already know a great deal about the losses resulting from not achieving these goals (a billion people living on less than a dollar a day, thousands of children dying every minute and even more orphaned by AIDS, more than 700 million people not able to read or write...). But the world really could be a wonderful place if we acted along with governments to improve living conditions for those living here and throughout the world.
Remember one of our first exercises in class last year when we shared what we thought a perfect world would look like? Some of you fantasized about:
- education for everyone
- no disease or sickness
- world peace
- no hunger
We live in a world where so many great things are possible -- man can walk on the moon, we can take pictures of giant squid thousands of feet below sea level, you can have a conversation with someone in China over the internet! There's no reason why we can't overcome the obstacles of poverty, hunger, needless suffering, and lack of education.
2010: no flying cars but an opportunity to get the Millennium Development Goals back on track | Oxfam International BlogsPosted using
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